Once upon a time in Nantes, France, lived a young lady who longed for a chance. She wanted adventure and to travel afar. She needed a change from her career in HR. ย 

She had a great love, a passion for fashion, and one day she exclaimed โ€œI have to take action!โ€ ย She opened a boutique selling beautiful clothes, and the women of France would posture and pose, and exclaim to their friends as they sashayed down streets, of the trendy provincials in their Parisian chic. After 3 years, Hรฉlรจne (thatโ€™s her name), met her Prince Charming and embarked on a change, she flew on to London, and exchanged wedding bands, and soon became manager of a luxury brand. ย 

Many years passed and Helene had two sons, so she and her Prince decided to come to sunny Dubai in 2013, to pursue once again her fashion-filled dreams. Amongst the sand dunes and the tallest palm trees, a new venture was born named โ€œBirdsn'Bees". Clothes, beach and swimwear for the UAEโ€™s kids, fashion for teens and babes in their cribs.

Merging the gap between high-street and high-end, designs straight from Europe, presenting new trends. Chic and affordable, the boutique quickly grew, with beautiful gifts and accessories too. To finish our story of this fairy-tale store, full of delights (that we know youโ€™ll adore). A Happy Ever After to you and your kin and (in French too of course) โ€ฆ ย  ย 

The End / Fin.